pip install edbot
Python is an interpreted, cross-platform, object-oriented programming language created by Guido van Rossum in 1991. It supports modules and packages, which encourages program modularity and code reuse and its simple, easy to learn syntax emphasises readability.
The Edbot Mini Python API is implemented as a Python 3 package. It allows a Python program to control your Edbot Minis. This guide assumes you are familiar with writing Python code.
Visit the Python downloads page to download and install Python 3.x for your platform. For Windows, make sure you select the option to add Python to the path.
Next you'll need the edbot Python package published through PyPI.
You can install it with easy_install or pip. Using pip on the command line:
pip install edbot
Check the installed and latest version with:
pip index versions edbot
Run the following command to upgrade to the latest version:
pip install --upgrade edbot
Alternatively you can install an integrated development environment (IDE) with a bundled Python interpreter, such as the popular Thonny.
Make sure you are running the latest version of the Edbot Software available from the download page. For the purposes of this guide we'll assume you've set up your Edbot server and you're running it locally. If the Edbot Software is running remotely, you'll need to change the localhost references to the name of the remote server.
The Python examples folder is part of the Edbot Software installation. In Windows the folder is located in your 'Documents' folder:
Similarly for macOS and Linux:
The folder should contain sample Python programs, including the following files:
emini_arms.py* selects the first Edbot Mini and moves the arms up and back again.
mini_motions.py selects the first Edbot Mini, prompts for a motion number and runs the motion.
mini_motions_gui.py displays a GUI window enabling you to select and run a motion.
mini_twitter.py sends motions to an Edbot Mini from formatted tweets to a monitored Twitter account.
We're using classic Python 3.11.1 on Windows for this guide. Start a command prompt and run Python in interactive mode. If you're using Thonny, start it up and type the commands in the shell window.
> python
Python 3.11.1 (tags/v3.11.1:a7a450f, Dec 6 2022, 19:58:39) [MSC v.1934 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "licence" for more information.
The Edbot Mini Python API enables your Python program to connect to the Edbot Software which acts as the server. First things first. Import the edbot package.
>>> import edbot
Now create an instance of the EdbotClient class. Specify the Edbot server running locally on the default port of 8080. You can use the API to connect to a remote Edbot server too, but we'll stick to a server running locally for this guide. The client parameter can be any string to identify your program to the server. It defaults to "Python".
>>> ec = edbot.EdbotClient("localhost", 8080)
Your program should only create one instance of the EdbotClient class. |
Next connect to the Edbot server both to send commands and receive data updates.
>>> ec.connect()
You can now query the robot names available. Let's assume we have configured an Edbot Mini called "Bob":
>>> ec.get_robot_names()
You can specify an optional model to only return robots of that type:
>>> ec.get_robot_names("mini")
After connecting to the Edbot server, your program will need to wait for control of the robot.
>>> ec.wait_until_active("Bob")
Grant control using the active user menu in the Edbot Software. See below.
If you're developing solo, the Edbot Software provides a convenient per-robot option "Open access" in the Server → Setup → Configure window. This will allow any connection to control the robot. Check this option while developing so that you don't need to give control each time you test your program. To stop other network users inadvertently accessing the robot, uncheck the "Available on network" option. |
You can now send commands to your Edbot Mini. For example to run a "bow 1" motion which has a motion id of 5, use:
>>> ec.run_motion("Bob", 5)
To move servo 1 to 200 degrees, use:
>>> ec.set_servo_position("Bob", "1/200")
You can run built-in motions, control the speed and position of individual servos, access servo data and external sensors and even get your Edbot Mini to speak using the API functions detailed in the Reference section.
After connecting, the Edbot Software sends real time data to your client program. Use the following function to get the data as a Python dictionary.
>>> ec.get_data()
The dictionary gives access to lots of useful information you can use in your code. Here's what the values mean:
"server": { # server information
"version": "",
"platform": "Windows 10, 10.0.17134.523, amd64"
"auth": "9TBvXvf9", # private session token
"initComplete": True, # true after connect() returns
"robots": {
"Bob": { # name of the robot
"enabled": True, # enabled?
"connected": True, # Bluetooth connected?
"reporters": { (1)
"activeUser": "Python...", # currently active user
"model": { # the robot model
"name": "Edbot Mini",
"type": "ERM162",
"key": "mini"
"user": "Python <Clive@[]:51144>",
"users": [
"Python <Clive@[]:51144>",
"Scratch 2.0 <Clive@[]:0>",
1 | The reporters dictionary or None if not connected. |
The reporters dictionary provides real time data from the robot microcontroller.
The Edbot Mini has 4 sensor ports and the supplied IRSS-10 distance sensor mounted on the head is plugged into port1. Some Minis have been customised with a DMS-80 distance sensor mounted on the chest connected to port2. You can obtain the raw value for a particular port from the following reporter keys:
"reporters": {
"port1": 10,
"port2": 350,
"port3": 580,
"port4": 22,
Use the raw_to_IRSS10_dist function to convert the raw value of the IRSS-10 to a distance in centimetres and the raw_to_DMS80_dist function to convert the raw value of the DMS-80.
The sensor data is enabled by default. To receive servo data, you'll need to disable sensor data with a call to set_options(robot, "sensor_data/0"). In this mode, the sensor reporters will be None. Sensor data is NOT returned whilst a built-in motion is running. |
Each servo has a key name beginning with servo- followed by a zero-padded 2 digit servo id. In default mode the servo data consists of the following keys:
The current position key in degrees to 1 decimal place.
The aligning key is True if the servo is in the process of moving after a call to set_servo_position.
The torque key is set to True if the servo is on. A positive value means CCW rotation and a negative value means CW rotation.
The load key as a percentage to 1 decimal place.
The extended key is set to None.
For example:
"reporters": {
"servo-01": {
"position": 150.0,
"aligning": False,
"torque": False,
"load": 0.0,
"extended": None
"servo-02": {
"position": 150.0,
"aligning": False,
"torque": False,
"load": 0.0,
"extended": None
In extended servo mode, extra information is returned in the extended key:
The speed key as a percentage to 1 decimal place. A positive value means CCW rotation and a negative value means CW rotation.
The voltage key is returned to 1 decimal place. This value can be used to detect low batteries.
The pid key reports the PID gain values as a colon separated list in the format P:I:D.
Here's an example:
"reporters": {
"servo-01": {
"position": 150.0,
"aligning": False,
"torque": False,
"extended": {
"speed": 10.0,
"voltage": 7.4,
"pid": "32:0:0"
"servo-02": {
"position": 150.0,
"aligning": False,
"torque": False,
"extended": {
"speed": 10.0,
"voltage": 7.3,
"pid": "32:0:0"
The servo data is disabled by default. In this mode, the servo reporters will be None. To receive servo data, you'll need to disable sensor data with a call to set_options(robot, "sensor_data/0"). Sensor data is NOT updated whilst a built-in motion is running. |
The speechCurrentWord reporter gives the current word as it is being spoken. The reporter is set to None when not speaking. It can be used to add visual emphasis during speech, such as flashing the servo lights on and off.
"reporters": {
"speechCurrentWord": "Hello",
The current word reporter is only available on Windows and Mac platforms. |
Read through the following examples to gain an understanding of how to use the API. The Reference section details the API functions with their parameters and return values.
We'll begin by stepping through the Edbot Mini arms example which selects the first Edbot Mini and moves the arms up and back again.
import sys
import time
import edbot (1)
# Connect to the Edbot server.
ec = edbot.EdbotClient("localhost", 8080) (2)
ec.connect() (3)
# Choose the first Edbot Mini we find.
names = ec.get_robot_names("mini")
if len(names) < 1:
print("No Edbot Minis configured!")
name = names[0] (4)
# Wait for control..
print("Type Ctrl-C to exit")
print("Waiting to control " + name + "... ", end="", flush=True)
ec.wait_until_active(name) (5)
print("Got control!")
while True:
entered = input("Type any key to move the arms (q to quit): ") (6)
if entered == "q": break
# Move those arms!
ret = ec.set_servo_position(name, "1/200/2/100") (7)
if not ret["success"]:
ret = ec.set_servo_position(name, "1/150/2/150") (8)
if not ret["success"]:
1 | Import the "edbot" package. |
2 | Create a new EdbotClient instance. |
3 | Connect to the Edbot server. |
4 | Use the first Edbot Mini we find. |
5 | Wait for control of the Edbot Mini. |
6 | Wait for a key to be pressed. |
7 | Move servos 1 and 2. |
8 | Move them back. |
The next example selects the first Edbot Mini, prompts for a motion number and runs the motion.
import sys
import edbot (1)
# Connect to the Edbot server.
ec = edbot.EdbotClient("localhost", 8080) (2)
ec.connect() (3)
# Choose the first Edbot Mini we find.
names = ec.get_robot_names("mini")
if len(names) < 1:
print("No Edbot Minis configured!")
name = names[0] (4)
# Wait for control..
print("Type Ctrl-C to exit")
print("Waiting to control " + name + "... ", end="", flush=True)
ec.wait_until_active(name) (5)
print("Got control!")
while True:
entered = input('Enter a motion number (q to quit): ') (6)
if entered == "q": break
motion = int(entered)
except ValueError:
print("Not a valid motion number")
# Run the motion.
ret = ec.run_motion(name, motion) (7)
if not ret["success"]:
1 | Import the "edbot" package. |
2 | Create a new EdbotClient instance. |
3 | Connect to the Edbot server. |
4 | Set the first Edbot Mini as default. |
5 | Wait for control of the Edbot Mini. |
6 | Grab a motion number from the user. |
7 | Run the motion. |
The Python API enables you to supply a boolean wait parameter in calls to run_motion and say. The default value of True causes the function to wait until the motion or speech has completed before returning. This is convenient for command line programs but not so useful if you're writing a GUI program which will need to perform other tasks before the motion or speech has completed.
To address this issue you can set the wait parameter to False and pass a unique sequence number in your call to run_motion or say. A reporter will incorporate this sequence number when the motion or speech has completed. The following example illustrates the reporter data format. Here <auth> is the session token and <seq> is the sequence number passed in to the call.
"reporters": {
"motionComplete": <auth>_self_m_<seq>,
"speechComplete": <auth>_self_s_<seq>,
The example code below demonstrates how to use this technique to detect when speech has completed.
import time
import threading
import edbot
seq = 1
name = "Bob"
event = threading.Event()
ec = edbot.EdbotClient("localhost", 8080)
# This function will get called when the server sends a notification.
def my_callback(msg):
complete = msg["robots"][name]["reporters"]["speechComplete"]
if complete.endswith(str(seq)):
# We've finished speaking!
# Pass the callback in the call to connect().
# Wait for control.
print("Type Ctrl-C to exit")
print("Waiting to control " + name + "... ", end="", flush=True)
print("Got control!")
# Say "Hello", wait until finished, then repeat.
while True:
# Reset the internal flag so that calls to event.is_set() will block until
# event.set() is called in the callback.
# Now say "Hello", passing in the sequence number and return immediately.
print("Saying Hello!")
ec.say(name, "Hello", wait=False, speech_seq=seq)
# Don't use event.wait() - it isn't interruptible!
while not event.is_set():
# Increment the sequence number.
seq += 1
The EdbotClient class in the edbot package encapsulates the Edbot Mini Python API.
Create a new instance by calling the constructor and assigning it to a variable.
edbot.EdbotClient(server="localhost", port=8080, client="Python")
server |
string |
The ip address or hostname of the Edbot server. |
port |
integer |
The port number on which the server is running. |
client |
string |
Client description. |
A new EdbotClient instance. |
Open a connection to the Edbot server.
callback |
function |
Optional callback function, see below. |
If you supply a callback function it will be called when the server sends a change notification. Your function should be in the following form, where msg is of type dict.
Check if this client instance is connected to the Edbot server.
True if connected, otherwise False. |
Close the connection to the Edbot server. This functon will initiate an orderly disconnection.
Get an unsorted array containing the names of the robots configured on this server.
model |
string |
Optionally pass in the model key to filter a specific type of robot. Currently defined keys are "mini", "dream" and "play". |
The robot names as an array of strings. |
Return the named robot as a dictionary.
name |
string |
The name of the robot. |
A dictionary with the following keys:
model |
dict |
A dictionary containing the robot model name, type and key. |
enabled |
boolean |
True if the robot is enabled. |
connected |
boolean |
True if the robot is connected via Bluetooth. |
activeUser |
string |
The currently active user. None means open access. |
reporters |
dict |
A dictionary containing the reporters or None if not connected via Bluetooth. |
Get a dictionary containing the Edbot server data.
A dictionary with the following keys:
robots |
dict |
The robots configured on the server. Each robot is keyed on name and its value is a robot dictionary. |
initComplete |
boolean |
If True the connection has finished initialising. |
server |
dict |
A dictionary containing the server version and platform. |
auth |
string |
A unique token allocated by the server used to identify this session. |
user |
string |
The current user connection. |
users |
array |
An Array of users connected to the server. |
Does this connection have control of the robot? See wait_for_control.
name |
string |
The name of the robot. |
True if the current user is active, otherwise False. |
You can retrieve the name of the currently active user using:
Wait for control of the robot. See wait_for_control.
name |
string |
The name of the robot. |
Return a dictionary of motions for the given robot.
name |
string |
The name of the robot. |
status |
dict |
A dictionary with boolean key success and string key message. |
data |
dict |
The motion dictionary (see below) on success or None on failure. |
Motions are categorised and a specific motion can appear in more than one category. The motion category "All" will always be returned first. This example shows the first two categories to illustrate the returned data structure.
"All": [
{ "id": 24, "name": "backward roll" },
{ "id": 5, "name": "bow 1" },
{ "id": 6, "name": "bow 2" },
{ "id": 40, "name": "break dance" },
{ "id": 41, "name": "break dance flip" },
{ "id": 3, "name": "crouch" },
{ "id": 21, "name": "forward roll" },
{ "id": 42, "name": "gangnam" },
{ "id": 2, "name": "get up" },
{ "id": 34, "name": "goalie block" },
{ "id": 35, "name": "goalie left" },
{ "id": 36, "name": "goalie right" },
{ "id": 37, "name": "goalie spread" },
{ "id": 38, "name": "head stand" },
{ "id": 1, "name": "initial position" },
{ "id": 25, "name": "karate left 1" },
{ "id": 27, "name": "karate left 2" },
{ "id": 26, "name": "karate right 1" },
{ "id": 28, "name": "karate right 2" },
{ "id": 11, "name": "left hook" },
{ "id": 10, "name": "left jab" },
{ "id": 30, "name": "left kick" },
{ "id": 32, "name": "left side kick" },
{ "id": 12, "name": "left uppercut" },
{ "id": 14, "name": "left wave" },
{ "id": 29, "name": "push" },
{ "id": 23, "name": "push up" },
{ "id": 8, "name": "right hook" },
{ "id": 7, "name": "right jab" },
{ "id": 31, "name": "right kick" },
{ "id": 33, "name": "right side kick" },
{ "id": 9, "name": "right uppercut" },
{ "id": 13, "name": "right wave" },
{ "id": 39, "name": "run forwards" },
{ "id": 18, "name": "sidestep left" },
{ "id": 17, "name": "sidestep right" },
{ "id": 22, "name": "sit up" },
{ "id": 4, "name": "stand" },
{ "id": 16, "name": "turn left" },
{ "id": 15, "name": "turn right" },
{ "id": 20, "name": "walk backwards" },
{ "id": 19, "name": "walk forwards" }
"Gym": [
{ "id": 24, "name": "backward roll" },
{ "id": 21, "name": "forward roll" },
{ "id": 38, "name": "head stand" },
{ "id": 23, "name": "push up" },
{ "id": 22, "name": "sit up" }
Return a dictionary of default motions for the given robot model.
model |
string |
Model key. Currently defined keys are "mini", "dream" and "play". |
status |
dict |
A dictionary with boolean key success and string key message. |
data |
dict |
The motion dictionary on success or None on failure. See the example motion data structure. |
Switch servos on or off.
set_servo_torque(name, path)
name |
string |
The name of the robot. |
path |
string |
A string formed by the servo number followed by "/" followed by 0 or 1 to turn the servo off or on respectively. Specify multiple servos by repeating the sequence, for example "1/0/2/0/3/1/4/1". Servo number 0 means all servos, so "0/0" will turn all servos off. |
A dictionary with the following keys.
success |
boolean |
True on success, otherwise False. |
message |
string |
The Edbot server response message. |
Set the servo speed.
This function simultaneously sets the servo torque on to work around a firmware bug. |
set_servo_speed(name, path)
name |
string |
The name of the robot. |
path |
string |
A string formed by the servo number followed by "/" followed by the speed which should be a percentage greater than zero. Specify multiple servos by repeating the sequence, for example "1/50/2/50/3/50/4/50". Servo number 0 means all servos, so "0/12.5" will set all servos to one eighth speed. |
A dictionary with the following keys.
success |
boolean |
True on success, otherwise False. |
message |
string |
The Edbot server response message. |
Set the servo position.
set_servo_position(name, path)
name |
string |
The name of the robot. |
path |
string |
A string formed by the servo number followed by "/" followed by the position which is an angle from 0 to 300 degrees.
Specify multiple servos by repeating the sequence, for example "1/250/2/50". |
A dictionary with the following keys.
success |
boolean |
True on success, otherwise False. |
message |
string |
The Edbot server response message. |
Set the colours of the servo LEDs.
set_servo_led(name, path)
name |
string |
The name of the robot. |
path |
string |
A string formed by the servo number followed by "/" followed by the servo colour index. Specify multiple servos by repeating the sequence, for example "1/3/2/3/3/3/4/3". Servo number 0 means all servos, so "0/3" will set all servo LEDs to colour index 3. |
A dictionary with the following keys.
success |
boolean |
True on success, otherwise False. |
message |
string |
The Edbot server response message. |
The colour index value maps to a colour according to the following table:
0 |
Off |
- |
1 |
Red |
2 |
Green |
3 |
Yellow |
4 |
Blue |
5 |
Magenta |
6 |
Cyan |
7 |
White |
Set the servo PID gain values.
set_servo_pid(name, path)
name |
string |
The name of the robot. |
path |
string |
A string formed by the servo number followed by "/", then three values each separated by "/" representing the required P gain, I gain and D gain values. Specify multiple servos by repeating the sequence, for example "1/32/0/0/2/32/0/0". |
A dictionary with the following keys.
success |
boolean |
True on success, otherwise False. |
message |
string |
The Edbot server response message. |
Edbot Mini uses state-of-the-art Robotis XL-320 servos. These advanced servos feature PID controllers. A PID controller continuously calculates an error value as the difference between the goal position and the current position. It applies a correction based on proportional (P), integral (I), and derivative (D) terms which gives this type of controller its name. The proportional term is the easiest to understand: The servo applies an electrical current proportional to the error. The integral term increases in relation to the time the error has been present, as well as the size. The derivate term applies to the rate of change of error. For more information on PID controllers consult Wikipedia.
All 3 values should be between 0 and 254, the default PID is {32, 0, 0}.
This advanced function allows you to set a value in the microcontroller's control table.
set_custom(name, path)
A description of the control table can be found at the following link:
As an example you can use this function to turn on the green LED on the controller using a path of "79/1/1". |
name |
string |
The name of the robot. |
path |
string |
A string formed by the control table address (0 - 65535) followed by a "/" followed by the size in bytes (1 or 2) followed by "/" followed by the option value to write (0 - 255 if 1 byte : 0 - 65535 if 2 bytes). |
A dictionary with the following keys.
success |
boolean |
True on success, otherwise False. |
message |
string |
The Edbot server response message. |
Set global options. These options are set to defaults when the robot is reset either by an explicit call to reset, or when the active user is changed on the Edbot server.
set_options(name, path)
name |
string |
The name of the robot. |
path |
string |
A string formed by the option name followed by "/" followed by the option value. Specify multiple options by repeating the sequence. Edbot Mini currently supports the following options:
A dictionary with the following keys.
success |
boolean |
True on success, otherwise False. |
message |
string |
The Edbot server response message. |
Run the motion referenced by the passed in motion id, starting from 1.
You can use also this function to issue special commands whilst a motion is running. Running motion 0 will stop the currently executing motion in its tracks. Motion -1 will instruct the current motion to run its exit unit, then stop. For more information on this advanced usage, see Motion index numbers.
run_motion(name, motion_id, wait=True, motion_seq=None)
name |
string |
The name of the robot. |
motion_id |
integer |
The motion number. |
wait |
boolean |
Wait for the motion to complete before returning. |
motion_seq |
integer |
Supply a unique number for this motion request. See Asynchronous coding. |
A dictionary with the following keys.
success |
boolean |
True on success, otherwise False. |
message |
string |
The Edbot server response message. |
Before the motion is run:
Servo LEDs are switched off - if the motion_leds option is set to the default on.
Servo speeds are reset to 100%.
When the motion completes:
Servo LEDs are switched off - if the motion_leds option is set to the default on.
Servo PID controller values are reset to {32, 0, 0}.
Servos remain switched on.
You can get the motion dictionary, which maps motion ids to names, using:
Specify text for the robot to speak. This function assumes the robot has been configured with speech on the Edbot server. Unicode escapes are fully supported.
say(name, text, wait=True, speech_seq=None)
name |
string |
The name of the robot. |
text |
string |
The text to speak. |
wait |
boolean |
Wait for the speech to complete before returning. |
speech_seq |
integer |
Supply a unique number for this speech request. See Asynchronous coding. |
A dictionary with the following keys.
success |
boolean |
True on success, otherwise False. |
message |
string |
The Edbot server response message. |
Reset the robot. This will stop any current speech, stop any current motion, switch off the servo LEDs, set defaults and empty the request queue.
The servo speed settings are not reset due to limitatons in the firmware. |
name |
string |
The name of the robot. |
A dictionary with the following keys.
success |
boolean |
True on success, otherwise False. |
message |
string |
The Edbot server response message. |
Convert the raw value from the IRSS-10 IR sensor to centimetres. The measuring range is 3cm to 30cm.
raw |
integer |
The raw sensor reading in the range 0 - 1023. |
Distance in centimetres rounded to 1 decimal place. |
The function returns 100.0 if the raw value is 0 (out of range).
The sensor was calibrated using the distance between the front edge of the feet and a vertical white A4 card. The card was held a known distance from the sensor and the raw sensor value was noted. This was repeated for different distances. A non-linear power curve was then used to fit the data points. Note the sensor readings will differ for different coloured objects placed the same distance away.
Convert the raw value from the DMS-80 IR sensor to centimetres. The measuring range is 8cm to 80cm.
raw |
integer |
The raw sensor reading in the range 0 - 1023. |
Distance in centimetres rounded to 1 decimal place. |
The function returns 100.0 if the raw value is 0 (out of range).
The sensor was calibrated using the distance between the front edge of the feet and a vertical white A4 card. The card was held a known distance from the sensor and the raw sensor value was noted. This was repeated for different distances. A non-linear power curve was then used to fit the data points.